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Ten Commencement Speakers You Wish You'd Had

These ten speakers inspired but still kept it real with their audiences, making their graduation speeches memorable years after they were given.


Chinese Law May Force Children to Visit Lonely Parents

Do you sometimes forget to call or visit the folks? In China, an amendment to an elderly rights law would let parents sue.


More U.S. Soldiers Killed Themselves Than Died in Combat in 2010

Since 2009, more U.S. troops have committed suicide than been killed on the battlefield. What's worse is that military doesn't know how to help them.


The History of the Word Bully Bully: A Vicious, Cowardly Word With a Long History

What the history of the word can tell us about the (unfortunately) hot topic of bullying.


Watch Texas Councilman Tell Gay Teens "It Gets Better"

Since last Tuesday, more than 1.5 million viewers have watched Joel Burns, a young, openly gay Texas city councilman tell teens "it gets better."


Education: Morning Roundup, Teaching Digital Citizenship

Cyberbullying laws aren't going to change bad behavior. Instead, youth need to learn how to make ethical decisions about internet use.


Education: Morning Roundup, Teachers Unions Impacting State Elections

Unions get involved in state elections, Rutgers student commits suicide after cyber-bullying, and D.C. schools in budgetary trouble.


Give Us Something Other Than Suicide To Talk About

Five years ago, a friend and I watched as maintenance workers drilled eight-foot tall, half inch-thick pieces of Plexiglas into the sides of the...