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Education Reform? Student Activists Are Doing It Themselves

While debates about education policy rage on in Washington, D.C. many students are taking matters into their own hands.

The 20th Anniversary of Rodney King's Beating: Reflections of Everyday Angelenos

King's beating, the acquittal of the LAPD officers, and the riots that followed shaped a generation's opinions about society and justice.

The Last Free Speech: Street Art at Manual Arts High School

World renowned artists are heading to South Los Angeles to collaborate with students and visually give voice to social and political issues.


Watch Texas Councilman Tell Gay Teens "It Gets Better"

Since last Tuesday, more than 1.5 million viewers have watched Joel Burns, a young, openly gay Texas city councilman tell teens "it gets better."


Would We Rather Our Kids Smoke Than Be Fat?

In the battle between bonbons and tobacco, anti-obesity is the new anti-smoking, insofar as teens and public health campaigns are concerned. The...