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Books by Native Writers Key to Building Accurate Knowledge About American Indians

Authentic literature helps build accurate knowledge of Native peoples.


Vegan Turducken and the Quest for the Perfect Meatless Thanksgiving

Who says a vegan Thanksgiving can't be delicious?

Infographic: How to Have a 100-Mile Thanksgiving

A 100-mile Thanksgiving uses ingredients sourced from within 100 miles of your dinner table.


Why You Should Root For Detroit Today

The Lions might just be the unofficial team of GOOD, at least for today.


A Place at the Table for Childhood Hunger in America

It’s a crisis happening in our own backyards, yet most people are not even aware of it—or understand its implications to the future of our...


Make Thanksgiving an Opportunity to Support Walmart Workers

While you enjoy your Thanksgiving meal with family, Walmart employees will be at their store preparing to open at 8 p.m. that night.


Thanksgiving Recipe: Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Muffins from BabyCakes

Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, we wanted to share our recipe for pumpkin spice muffins from our first cookbook BabyCakes.


Here's Why You Shouldn't Volunteer This Holiday Season

Here it comes again. It's that time of year when the spirit of volunteerism begins its slow creep out of the deepest reaches of the cerebral...


Yard CSAs: Hey, Neighbor—You Gonna Eat That?

There's nothing like a box of lovingly, locally grown fruits and veggies to kick off a week (or two) of good eating.


In Lieu of the Twinkie: Make Your Own Marshmallows This Thanksgiving

Admit it: Thanksgiving dinner isn’t really about the roasted turkey or the pumpkin pie. It’s about the sides, and there's nothing better than...