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What Pivot-Obsessed Businesses Can Learn from Play-Doh

The weird story of a best-selling toy that started as wallpaper cleaner.


What Parents Everywhere Can Learn From This Trailblazing Toy Maker

Zandraa Tumen-Ulzii spreads the gospel of the puzzle.


“Girls Play T-Ball, Too,” Says President Obama

The President declared war on gender stereotypes as he sorted toys for Christmas presents.

These Fantastical, Futuristic Black Dolls Will Make You Rethink the Toy Aisle

Since 1978, artists have created inspiring representations of black culture in doll form that are sorely lacking in the conventional toy industry


The Simple Patent That Conquered the World of Toys

After 70 years the Slinky just keeps on slinking on.


Hot Wheels: 100 Designers Create 100 Simple Wooden Cars That Kids Love

100 Italian designers created wooden cars, intended as toys that kids would actually want to keep.


Turning Packaging From Trash to Toys

Matadog Design, a Greek design firm, have created innovative food packaging that converts boxes into collectible toys.


Study: Are Electronic Toys Making Parents Dumb?

My toys growing up were mostly of the low-tech variety: Lincoln Logs and Legos, Hot Wheels Cars and Big Wheels. Few things in the house required...


Dollhouse 2.0: Roominate Lets Girls Play Architect, Designer, and Technologist

Could a toy that encourages girls towards STEM be the best way to balace the gender gap in these fields?


A Bald Barbie to Comfort Kids with Cancer

After a popular Facebook campaign, Mattel's decided to produce a hairless Barbie doll to distribute to children in hospitals.


If Schools Kill Creativity, Can Toys Bring It Back to Life?

A new generation of companies are finding ways to emulate Lego and encourage creativity through play.


Does Banning Toys Make Fast Food Healthier?

With or without the promotional tie-in, most kids prefer french fries to apple slices.


Intermission: A Little Girl Calls Out Sexist Marketing

As we nurse our holiday shopping hangovers, some wisdom from little Riley on girl toys and boy toys.


Girl Toys, Boy Toys: Unpacking the Gender Issues of 2011's Hot Gifts

Behind the extreme gender polarization of this year's bestselling children's toys.


Disney and Others Rush to Cash in on SEAL Team Six

Sure it's outrageous that Disney wants to cash in on the Osama bin Laden killing, but there's a long history of trademarking war heroes.


Architecture Is Tough! Will Architect Barbie Help More Women Become Designers?

Forget her non-black dress, or the fact that her hard hat doesn't match her shoes. Can a doll really change the way girls think about their future?