Articles It's Time We Stop and Frisk Our Education System For Traditions That Perpetuate Hate Andre PerryFeb 24, 2014
Articles President Obama, Want to Help Black Boys? Don’t Nominate a Racial Profiler to Head Homeland Security Kim MooreJul 27, 2013
Articles In America, Race Is More Than a Backdrop The problem with a "colorblind" approach to the Zimmerman trial is it assumes race is not a determining factor. In America, that's never true.Madeleine Rogin20 Jul, 2013
Articles People Are Awesome: Twitter Hero Shuts Down Juror B37's Zimmerman Trial Book Deal Don't ever underestimate what you can do when you're armed with the power of the people.Liz Dwyer19 Jul, 2013
Articles Why America Needs Another Kind of Justice George Zimmerman's trial and its conclusion were a lesson in the limitations of retributive justice and the need for restorative approaches.Phillipe Copeland18 Jul, 2013
Articles How Do We Protect Our Trayvon Martins? We have to protect all the other Trayvon's out there better than we protected Trayvon Martin.Mark Naison16 Jul, 2013
Articles Let's Stop Comparing Education to the Civil Rights Movement Is the quest for racial justice for black people in America really so over that we need a new civil rights issue?Liz Dwyer27 May, 2012
Articles There's No Justice for Trayvon in Violence Two alleged instances of vigilante justice for Trayvon Martin should remind us of what actual justice means.Cord Jefferson29 Apr, 2012
Articles Trayvon Martin's Killer Was Finally Charged With a Crime—Was It the Right One? Justice served, right? Well, not so fast.Cord Jefferson14 Apr, 2012
Articles Meet the Teacher Fired for Teaching Her Students About Trayvon Martin Brooke Harris was fired after supporting her students' plan to raise money for Martin's family.Liz Dwyer13 Apr, 2012
Articles Most Americans Believe Racial Tensions Are Stagnant or Worse Under Obama Nearly four years after America elected its first black president, the nation's racial woes seem to be worse than they've been in years.Cord Jefferson11 Apr, 2012
Articles America Is Dying Slowly: Talking About Hip-Hop After Trayvon Martin Rap music doesn’t get unarmed kids shot to death, “it’s different” does.Jack Hamilton08 Apr, 2012
Articles Players Flout the NBA's Hoodie Ban to Stand Up for Travyon Martin The Miami Heat understand all too well that Trayvon had no obligation to wear khakis to indicate he wasn't a threat.Megan Greenwell29 Mar, 2012
Articles Hug a Hoodie: What the U.K. Teaches Us About Making a Sweatshirt a Symbol In the U.S., the hooded sweatshirt is becoming an anti-profiling symbol, but things aren't so simple across the pond.Tim Fernholz26 Mar, 2012
Articles Trayvon Martin Could Have Been One of My Kids Trayvon's killing has implications for all Americans, not just black people.Liz Dwyer22 Mar, 2012