Articles This Nationwide Drought: Bad for Food Prices and Good for Insects Zachary SlobigJul 30, 2012
Articles The 'Wacky' USDA Ad Campaign to Get You to Separate Your Meat and Veggies Peter SmithJul 01, 2011
Articles Building Food Plates Where the Food Pyramid Once Stood Three food plates that made way for the new food pyramid's replacement.Peter Smith05 Jun, 2011
Articles Before MyPlates and Pyramids There Was the 1943 "Food Wheel" Before MyPlates and Pyramids There Was the 1943 "Food Wheel" The war-era food wheel shows just how dramatically the government's approach to food guidelines has changed.Peter Smith04 Jun, 2011
Articles Behold MyPlate, the USDA's New Food Icon Meet the food pyramid's replacement, MyPlate, a simple schematic that's designed to show parents what dinner should actually look like.Peter Smith04 Jun, 2011
Articles Map: Do You Live in a Food Desert? USDA's Food Desert Locator Map Calling all cartographers! Using the USDA's data, you can map the connection between farmers' markets and food deserts in your neighborhood.Peter Smith05 May, 2011
Articles Feast Your Eyes: Where Calorie Counting Comes From Chart: Wilbur Atwater's Calorie Counts, Circa 1902 Wilbur Olin Atwater's experiments with a "bomb calorimeter" helped develop the system of food energy dieters and food manufacturers rely on today.Peter Smith28 Apr, 2011
Articles Here's What A Lifetime's Worth of Corn Syrup Consumption Looks Like Could a cherished aspect of our diet—those sweet drinks and sugary snacks—actually be toxic in the long run? If only it were that simple.Peter Smith15 Apr, 2011
Articles Spider Webs and the Battle Over Federal Caffeine Limits One hundred years ago, the predecessor of the FDA had no data on how caffeine affects humans. Unbelievably, the same is pretty much true today.Nicola Twilley02 Apr, 2011
Articles Feast Your Eyes: 16 Cents of Each Dollar You Spend on Food Goes to the Farm. What Happens to the Rest? A new report from the USDA reveals the economic underpinnings of our food system.Nicola Twilley01 Mar, 2011
Pyramids, Plates, and Pagodas: Dietary Guidelines From Around the World As the USDA updates the food pyramid to match its new Dietary Guidlines, check out what a healthy diet looks like around the world.Nicola Twilley12 Feb, 2011
Articles Dietary Supplements: Friday, February 4 Dietary Supplements is a daily roundup of what we're reading at GOOD Food HQ. Today we're serving up chicken wings and dried mouse appetizers. Enjoy!Nicola Twilley07 Feb, 2011
Articles Chicago's Snowpocalypse: Bad News for Hungry Kids Everybody loves a snow day—unless you come from a low-income background and qualify to receive free breakfast and lunch at school.Liz Dwyer06 Feb, 2011
Articles Government Releases New "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" Summary: Americans just need to eat less. But hidden beneath the scientific language, the government is actually calling for a food revolution.Nicola Twilley04 Feb, 2011
Articles Winning the Future with Salmon That line that got the most laughs during Obama's State of the Union actually raises an important issue about our broken food regulatory system.Nicola Twilley30 Jan, 2011
Articles Food Price Watch: Riots in Algeria; Mexican Government Buys Maize Futures Sugar, meat, and cereal prices reach record levels as economists warn of global food riots by Easter.Nicola Twilley09 Jan, 2011
Articles Find Your Farmers' Market With the USDA's National Directory Looking for a local farmers' market? The federal government now has an app for that.Peter Smith19 Nov, 2010
Articles Food Security Report Reveals 15 Percent of Households Went Hungry in 2009 Why It's Not All Bad News that 15 Percent of Families Went Hungry Last Year Last year was a 15 year high in terms of American hunger. The number of families who have trouble putting food on the table has tripled since 2006.Alex Goldmark18 Nov, 2010