Good use of a GoPro, or possibly the best? Recently Wildlife photographer Megan Lorenz used a strategically placed camera to catch these delightful burrowing owls as they emerged from her front yard for a quick dance routine. We can all learn a thing or two from this owl pair's swag.
Owls Dancing For A GoPro Will Make Your Monday 100% Better
Heed The Call Of The Wild With These Pop-And-Locking Owls
By Laura FeinsteinFeb 09, 2015
Laura Feinstein
Current Deputy Editor at GOOD, Laura Feinstein writes about the intersection where art, technology, and global culture meet. Former Editor in Chief at The Creators Project at VICE, and a freelance writer for such diverse publications as The Guardian, T/The New York Times, VICE International, BOMB Magazine,, Pitchfork/Nothing Major, and Details Magazine (among others), Laura is always on the lookout for the new and unboring.