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Woman finds mystery note with $100 while shopping at Walmart. It contained an unusual request

The gesture inspired many others at the store and on social media to start a similar chain.

Woman finds mystery note with $100 while shopping at Walmart. It contained an unusual request
Left: Exterior view from a Walmart store on February 19, 2024, in Secaucus New Jersey. Walmart is scheduled to report its 2024 fourth-quarter fiscal results on February 20th. (Photo by VIEWpress/Getty Images) Right: Getty Images | kutaytanir

Random acts of kindness aren't restricted to feeding people in the streets and making donations to charitable organizations. Even the smallest of gestures can make a world of a difference in another person's life. A woman from North Carolina benefited from an act of kindness left by a good Samaritan in the least expected place, the floor of a Walmart store. On November 13, 2017, designated as “World Kindness Day,” a kind-hearted stranger warmed the hearts of Julia Stultz, her family, and store workers, by leaving cash to start a chain of kindness.

Representative Image Source: Getty Images | 	Viktoriia Bielik
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Viktoriia Bielik

“It’s uncommon nowadays,” some customers said in disbelief, according to Fox News affiliate WJZY. It happened when Julia and her family were sauntering through the shelves stocked with groceries at the big-box retail center in Charlotte. When they made their way into the closets of the clothing section, Julia’s son pointed out something. He had spotted an envelope lying astray on the floor. They picked up the envelope in case they could track its owner.

Representative Image Source: People walk near the entrance to a Walmart store on May 14, 2024 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Representative Image Source: People walk near the entrance to a Walmart store on May 14, 2024 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Both sides of the envelope had handwritten messages scrawled into it. One flap read "With Love, Amen," and the message on the other said, “If this card has found you, open it. It's yours.” Julia slipped her hand inside the envelope and from it, she pulled out a crisp $100 note along with a card that had an important instruction written on it. According to this instruction, the finder of the card was supposed to “pay it forward.”

Signing their name as “a friend,” the stranger had written, “May this gift bring you a little peace today. One day, please pay it forward. May the blessings of God be on you always!" Julia regretted not being able to thank the generous human in person. Meanwhile, the news outlet reached out to her fellow customers who were as surprised by this unusual act of kindness, as she was.

Representative Image Source: Getty Images | 	Viktoriia Bielik
Representative Image Source: Getty Images | Viktoriia Bielik

"I’ve always wondered if there was stuff like that in the world and I’ve always said if I have the chance to pay it forward, I would absolutely do it," said Akilli Omari, another Walmart customer, before adding, “It’s uplifting and inspiring.” This random event energized Omari’s spirits so much that he said he would start his own “pay it forward” chain of kindness. "Maybe we should all consider doing one ourselves. I think I will." One more fellow customer, Lamar McLaughlin, said, "I think people should be more kind to each other. It's just, I will say it's not hard to do, but it's uncommon nowadays."

On social media, people are singing praises for the anonymous person who stepped forward to initiate this whole kindness chain. “Restored my faith in humanity,” said Rose Schreyer. Roxy Price said, "Good to hear nice things in this sad & crazy world. God bless the person who did that. Praying the lady who got it was able to pay it forward. You never know when someone needs it." Gerry Johnson commented, “There are still amazing and thoughtful people left in this screwed-up world!”


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