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Women reveal 10 green flags that indicate a man could be the perfect partner

Green flags are signs that indicate whether he'll be an emotionally mature and healthy partner.

Women reveal 10 green flags that indicate a man could be the perfect partner
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels
J carter

Green flags women should look for while dating

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jep Gambardella:Representative Image Source: Pexels | Jep Gambardella:

When dating, some signs can indicate whether the person is your potential partner or not. Commonly known as “green flags,” these signs indicate the likelihood a partner will deal with a relationship in a healthy and emotionally mature manner. In a thread posted on AskReddit, people hopped in to discuss their favorite green flags that women should look for when entering into a relationship with a new man. Here are the top ten of these green flags:

1.  He is kind to service staff

Representative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studioRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | cottonbro studio

“When they treat servers well - bonus points for organizing the table before leaving.”- u/jinjiarts. “Politeness, especially to food service/hospitality people.”- u/oniontruck. “The way someone treats service workers especially if something minor goes wrong.” -u/innocentbystandernz. “Tipping well and being kind to waitstaff and service workers.” -u/bi-ti-lly

2.  He listens and is open to difficult conversations

Representative Image Source: Pexels | nataliya vaitkevichRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | nataliya vaitkevich

“When a dude actively listens and remembers the little details from your convos.” -u/averiekings. “Listening to understand... and then acting kindly on the information they learn.” -u/rtconsult2. “Just listening when you are talking about something you're interested in. He could have no clue what you're talking about, but just listening and at least pretending like he cares means so much. Have had so many people just look at their phones and just go ‘mmm’ when you're trying to talk to them about something you love is the worst feeling ever.” -u/_eliotto_. “He understands you and listens to you enough in convos to remember facts about you like fav candies, fav games, fav songs, and stuff of that nature.” -u/dry-resolution4580.

3.  He is family-oriented

Representative Image Source: Pexels | nicole michalouRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | nicole michalou

“Treats his mother well.” -u/catsbygallimaufry. “One of the things I admire most about my partner is the fact that he makes time every single week to eat dinner with his parents. He does manual labor around their house, and just generally was raised right. It's extremely attractive.” -u/sugarplumbuttfluck. “When he has respect for his mother or just his family in general.” -u/sleepwalkas. “Being family oriented. Also, I know a guy who is an adult whose mother is a widow and he lives with her so she won’t be alone. Living with parents isn’t always a turnoff, men, so don’t feel self-conscious about it” -u/shot_mirror5748.

4.  He has a great sense of humor

Representative Image Source: Pexels | j carterRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | j carter

“He has a great sense of humor.” -u/hellosunshine2. “An ability to laugh at themselves,” -u/frank-sarno. “To add to this humor doesn’t translate well across cultures. It isn’t a dealbreaker if you don’t laugh at my jokes or mannerisms, just don’t fake a laugh as it is very easy to tell when someone is fake laughing.” -u/themonoclerogue.

5.  He is independent and has his hobbies

Representative Image Source: Pexels | andrea piacqualioRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | andrea piacqualio

“He has a job and can take care of himself, He’s confident and knows what he wants out of a relationship/life in general.” -u/plutoforprez. “Good manners. Thoughtfulness. Unique comments.” -u/plain_chacalaca. “Has and follows a budget.” -u/accurate_ad_3104. “Having a non-monetized hobby that takes up a reasonable amount of their time.” -u/son_of_toucan_sam.  

6.  He loves animals

Representative Image Source: Pexels | yuliya kotaRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | yuliya kota

“When I met my now-husband one of the first things I noticed was how kind he was to animals. He was fostering a dog and would go on special dates with her, etc. If being mean to animals is a red flag, then being good to them is the exact opposite.” -u/psychobabble0. “During one of our first dates, my now husband pulled over and moved a turtle across the road. Sealed the deal for me.” -u/hk630. “My mom said one of the main reasons she married my dad is because of how nice he was to the cat he had when they were dating.” -u/mrsjakeblues. “Liking animals. I hate when a guy doesn't like animals at all or 'only likes dogs.' A man who can get down with kitty snuggles or cuddle small animals sends all the 'good mate that can raise children' vibes.” -u/mrsketchup.

7.  He is true to his values

Representative Image Source: Pexels | klaus nielsenRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | klaus nielsen

“Upholding his ideals and morals in his daily life without knowing if you’ll see it or not. Basically being genuine and not putting on a show in front of you.” -u/tornteddie. “They have actual realistic dreams/desires and are working toward them.” -u/allisongivler. “When they treat people how they would like to be treated… good old fashioned chivalry.” -u/cityshep.  

8.  He appreciates little things about his woman

Representative Image Source: Pexels | andrea piacquadioRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | andrea piacquadio

“Compliments your tiny creations. For example, if you like to knit, they are like ‘Cute scarf, how’d you make it?’” -u/imnicewhennothungry. “Those random ‘Are you okay? I had a weird feeling as if something happened to someone' texts.” -u/durbldor

9.  He is sensitive, vulnerable and empathetic

Representative Image Source: Pexels | ric rodriguesRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | ric rodrigues

“Being sensitive and vulnerable, remembering little details about a person, being good or happy around kids would ring alarm bells with girls if they thought the guy was unattractive. Pretty privilege, halo effect, whatever you wanna call it.” -u/project_jormagandr. “For guys or gals, empathy. Sometimes you need a good hug after getting a kick in the teeth, y'know?” -u/mister_moho. “Reacts with compassion and empathy when you're anxious or takes precautions instead of getting offended or mocking you.” -u/raaqu. “He's not ashamed to cry in front of you or to tell you when something hurts him.” -u/honiedhylian.

10. He understands accountability and responsibility

Representative Image Source: Pexels | jopwellRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | jopwell

“Doing the things they say they’re going to do.” -u/anywherebutarizona. “Knows what responsibility means.” -u/nosyhearth. “Offers to fix something…… means he isn't afraid of a challenge, can problem solve, and is confident.” -u/midniteog. “When he acknowledges and tries to learn from his mistakes, no matter how trivial.” -u/dongwaterdouche.