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Long Road Home

If you're looking at the Democratic primary expectantly, hoping for some glimpse of light at the end of this seemingly-never-ending nominating process, the past 10 days indicate that any far-off glow may come from the still-distant fiery implosion of one of these campaigns. Obama appears to have weathered..


Walled In

Check out this time-lapse video of Wal-Mart expansion. The company has crept like kudzu over the entire continent, growing from one tiny Arkansas store in 1962 to over 3,800 in the U.S. by 2005. It cannot be stopped, resistance is futile. Via boingboing.


The SNL Factor

Saturday Night Live got a big shout out from Hillary Clinton in the Democratic debate in Cleveland two weeks ago (here if you haven't seen it): Lorne Michaels was so pleased with the response that he asked writer Jim Downey to get to work on more skits, and thus the first major theme of SNL's 2008 election..