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My Black Stepson Is Proof That Our Schools Put White Culture First

We could raise student test scores by 11% if schools thought more about how everyone learns best.


America's Problem With Black Men and Boys

Employers must see themselves as part of the educational system and hire, train, and develop men of color.


The NFL Killed Masculinity. Can Players Ever Reclaim it?

To be a man in the NFL is to be a bounty hunter, a missile, a shamer, homophobe, punisher, beater, and extortionist.


What Should Schools Teach When Students Are Being Murdered?

Shouldn't schools explicitly teach students how to get home safely with the same level of rigor and accountability as in a science lesson?


The Post-BCS Game Question: Why Not Athlete and Academic?

Athletic departments see value in black male bodies. Faculty and staff must see value in black male minds.


Can Bow Ties and Barber Shops Bring Black Men Together?

What will it take to bring black men together? And, where can black men claim a space to proliferate even the simplest of traditions in peace?


No, Black Folk Can't Ask for Help

I am black, feared and barely tolerated.


Why Is Neighborhood-Based Discrimination Still Acceptable?

Neighborhood-based discrimination seems to be the socially acceptable means to exercise our unconscious and conscious biases.


Want Better Educators? Make Teaching a Community Practice

Moving to a medical school model could help better prepare aspiring teachers to meet the needs of disadvantaged students


5 Pragmatic Alternatives to the Sagging Pants Debate

Instead of focusing on sagging pants, here are five practical things you can do in your neighborhood to improve things.


Identity Crisis: Are the Stakes of Our Educational and Professional Futures Too High?

We should not forget the question "who are you" should be more applicable to a person's character than their professional identity.


The Education Snob's Dilemma: College For All or Vocational Education?

So-called education snobs don't always see four-year colleges as better. They just don't want their kids tracked into inferior programs.


Atlanta Cheating Scandal Lesson: We Must Return to Real Teaching and Learning

Achievement tests were not designed for the purposes of promoting or grading students, evaluating teachers, or evaluating schools.