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Why Can’t We Party in the Street?

It’s getting more and more difficult for Americans to gather on public streets, out of joy or anger, and that’s a problem.


3 Anti-Youth Policies that are Hurting Your City

Attracting young people is key to urban competitiveness, but some cities still make being a kid a criminal offense.


The 10 Most Shocking Facts About Cleveland’s Violent Police Force

Imagine what federal investigations could uncover about your local police force.


What the Gentrification Debate Always Leaves Out

Armchair urbanists look at price-gouged coastal cities forgetting that many inner-cities lack development.


If You Really Love Nature, Don’t Live Anywhere Near It

Almost universally, people living in urban locations have a much smaller environmental footprint.


How to Cap Plastic Bottle Waste

The one neat policy trick that could greatly reduce the environmental impact of beverage-guzzling ways.


The Vision for a 21st Century Drive-in

Way out in West Texas, a grand plan for a drive-in movie theater promised to invigorate an entire community.


3 Epic Racial Profiling Blunders from History

Racial profiling not only harms innocent people of color, it can cause law enforcement to lose crucial time in pursuing the true criminals.


There’s No Shame in Being a Foamer

Whether you have a one-track mind or are simply off the rails, this quiz that will ascertain your true love of trains.


Vermont Kicks the War on Drugs

The state is tackling its heroin epidemic through public health efforts instead of a criminal justice crusade


A St. Louis Alderman Made These Vines Before Getting Arrested

Antonio French on the front lines of Ferguson


The Next Frontier in Urban Living: Waterways?

Global warming and urban overcrowding fuel the next generation of houseboat living


Want to Make Your City Better? Lower the Speed Limit.

The 20’s Plenty campaign is slowing down some of the world’s fastest paced places.


How Helsinki Became a Public Transporation Paradise

One European city plans to make car ownership obsolete within a decade.


LeBron James Complicates Cleveland's Comeback Story

Returning to Cleveland, LeBron James contends with a city’s past and conflicting views of its future