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Diamonds 101

If you're planning on popping the question this year, you're probably in the market for some jewelry. And we realize you might be too busy...


Kinkajou Projector Brings Literacy to Mali

Teaching adults to read is a difficult enough task in and of itself, but in rural Mali, teachers also face classrooms without electricity and books weathered by the punishing desert climate. Enter the Kinkajou Projector, a fusion of high and low technology that makes teaching night literacy classes as..


Attack of the Giant Jellyfish!

Giant jellyfish have invaded the northern coasts of the Japanese islands and they're causing problems. Frustrated local fishermen are hauling...


Mister Trash Can

\r\n\r\nWhile carbon emissions may be the current cause célèbre of the environmental movement, let's not forget the more tangible waste products we...


The State of the Planet

As we head into the last year of the two thousand aughts, we take a look at some of the numbers that shaped our lives this past year.  Thanks for the memories, 2008..\r\n


Animal Superpowers

From cicadas who hibernate for 17 years to checkerboard-camouflaged cuttlefish, some animals have powers that border on the super. Artists Kenichi Okada and Chris Woebken have created three devices designed to give children a chance to experience heightened animal senses. For example, their Bird Device..



There are currently more than 2.3 million people incarcerated in the United States. What does that look like, exactly? That's equivalent to...


Pollen Bots

Seasonal allergy sufferers, rejoice! Japanese scientists have deployed an army of anthropomorphic pollen sensors across the country in an...


Hog Hunting

A plague of feral hogs has descended on the American South, leaving a trail of porcine devastation in their wake. To combat the invasion, some hunters are forsaking more traditional prey and training their sights on these destructive, ferocious, decidedly less cute cousins of Babe. Intrigued by a new..


GOOD Business: IceStone

If you're looking to trick out your home with the greenest products on the market, you could do a lot worse than IceStone....


GOOD Business: Greyston Bakery

How good can one brownie be? Greyston Bakery's brownies are delicious, sure, but they also help to alleviate poverty within...


Adult Soap Box Derby

Before there was NASCAR, there was box car. Soap box derbies, at the peak of their popularity in the 1950s, provided all-American kids with an opportunity to mix engineering ingenuity with the need for speed. Today, enthusiastic adults raised on Mario Kart are reviving this wholesome tradition on the..



Anyone who remembers childhood as a time of innocence and joy was never on the wrong side of a dodgeball. If you ever packed a few extra pounds in grade school, chances are the specters of those stinging rubber balls haunt you to this day. But for the past three summers, young Brooklynites have been..


The Hidden Cost of War

In 2003, Donald Rumsfeld estimated a war with Iraq would cost $60 billion. Five years later, the cost of Iraq war operations is more than 10...


Landmine Flowers

Scientists in Denmark have developed a plant that turns red when it comes into contact with trace amounts of TNT. If sowed over an area...