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Makin' It: Jamie Self, Bus Adventurer Turned Small Town Reporter

"There's so much sloppy journalism out there, and we miss so much with our heads buried in our iPhones."


Makin' It: Sam Temple, Wooden Boat Builder in Maine

"A boat built with local wood that stays in local waters will last a long time."


Makin' It: Kira Eng-Wilmot, Tapestry Bather and Textile Conservator

"It is very rewarding to see a 16-foot tapestry finally installed in a space like the Cathedral after having spent months fixing the damage."


Makin' It: Edward Janssen, Silversmith and Jeweler

The Tiffany's silversmith who found his way out of the service industry rabbit hole to craft jewelry and keep his clients from destroying antiques.


Makin' It: Denmark's Quirky Brewmaster

"A lot of people think what we do is too extreme, to which we say that they are welcome to drink their Carlsberg instead."


Makin' It: Howard Veregin, Wisconsin's Postmodern State Cartographer

"We wouldn’t allow someone to name a lake after their pet, for example."


Makin' It: Emily Thompson, Floral Designer

"White House curators ok'd some designs I thought were fairly outrageous... dumping giant moss and lichen-covered rocks all over their mantelpieces."


Makin' It: Kalia Brooks, Curator

"Being in the creative field is being in a playful field."


Makin' It: Maurice Leacock, Robot Builder

"There is still a little backyard inventor/sci-fi geek in many of the folks here, for sure."


Makin' It: Jeffrey de Picciotto, Butcher

"I make a point not to forget that this thing I'm cutting in front of me gave its life for us to eat."


Makin' It: Jerrold Jackson, Social Worker

"I think it's difficult, and probably unhelpful, to be void of all emotion in this field."


Makin' It: Willy Muse, Fashion Designer

I showed up in a shirt I had made, some tight black women's jeans, my red vanilla ice Nike Blazers, [with] my old Montgomery Ward sewing machine.


Project: Re-Energizing the Original Approach to Recycling

Let's revamp and re-brand the humble system of the bottle bill.


Makin' It: Meg Paska, Urban Beekeeper

I found out that there were people breaking the law to keep bees in NYC and I decided I wanted to break the law, too.


Makin' It: Jason Sigal, Free Music Expert

GOOD's career column talks to Jason Sigal, manager of the Free Music Archive, about radio in the digital era and making copyrights "human readable."


Makin' It: Carolyn Vega, Librarian for Handwritten Stuff

GOOD's career column talks to mansucript cataloger Carolyn Vega about really old stuff, the archive bug, and Sir Walter Scott's letter-writing style.