Articles This Revolutionary Non-Profit is Breaking the Generational Poverty Cycle Friends of the Children uses mentors to engage with at-risk children in need for 12.5 years.Camille PendleyJun 30, 2016
Articles How Literacy Is Taking People From Poverty to Pension Workplace training can mean a life-changing second chance. #projectliteracyCamille PendleyOct 27, 2015
Articles You Won’t Believe How Many Pounds of Food We Waste Each Year Let's find a way to fix that.Camille PendleyOct 02, 2015
Articles No Classroom? That’s a Problem. What Learning Looks Like in Post-Earthquake Nepal For 1 million students in Nepal, disaster put school on hold indefinitely. This NGO is helping them bridge the gap. #ProjectLiteracyCamille PendleyJul 08, 2015
Articles Why 43 Percent of Students in America’s 5th Most Literate City Struggle to Read and Write It's called the literacy paradox. #ProjectLiteracyCamille PendleyJun 17, 2015