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Why Publicly Shaming Your Boss Is Actually A Great Career Move

How burning a work bridge leads to better opportunities.


Graduate Students Of The World, Unite!

“I think the decision is going to have big consequences”


Obama Just Relaxed Federal Regulations On Weed… Sort Of

Will the current administration ever say “Yes We Can-nabis”? A primer


The Summer WikiLeaks Went Crazy

The organization is fanning the flames of a conspiracy theory that Clinton murdered a DNC staffer. This isn’t whistleblowing—it’s madness


Science On The Campaign Trail: See Where The Candidates Stand

Anti-science views are trending in politics—though NASA brings America together


Bloomberg Just Found A Way To Convince Everyone’s Dad To Vote For Hillary

“Clinton is not flawless; no candidate is. But she is the responsible choice”


Politicos Dancing Badly: A Ballroom Instructor Weighs In

“The folks at the Republican National Convention certainly had an abundance of energy. The same cannot be said about their rhythm.”


Netflix And No Chill: Company Sees Worst Quarter In Three Years After Price Hike

Netflix taught us to watch what we wanted, when we wanted. What if we don’t feel like watching Netflix anymore?


In San Francisco, A Plan To Get Twitter and Uber To Pay For What They Did To Its Housing Market

A proposed “tech tax” would fund homeless initiatives to the tune of $140 million a year


After Orlando, This Pro-Gun LGBT Group Quintupled In Size

And most of the newbies are straight “allies” with their own agenda


Supreme Court: Police Can Now Search You Without Probable Cause

In a blistering dissent, Justice Sotomayor called out her colleagues for living in a bubble


Inside, The Exclusive Dating Site For Donald Supporters

“I very much would like to meet a person with shared values”


6 Ways Hillary Can Win Over Bernie’s Base

Sanders as VP? Renouncing Wall Street? Bernie-or-busters share their thoughts on what, if anything, it will take to convince them to fall in line.


Let’s Stop Pretending Rap Lyrics Are Evidence

Is it ever ok to think of a creative work as a smoking gun?


WTF Does It Take To Stop Sexual Harassment Online?

Twitter’s live-streaming video platform Periscope lets users ban trolls in real-time. Will other platforms follow?