Charlton Mcilwain
Charlton McIlwain is an Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University, where he is also the Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Diversity at NYU's Steinhardt School. McIlwain's recent work focuses on the intersections of race, digital media, and racial justice activism. He is the Co-Author, with Deen Freelon and Meredith Clark, of the recent report, "Beyond the Hashtags: Ferguson, #BlackLivesMatter, and the Online Struggle for Offline Justice," published by the Center for Media & Social Impact, and supported by the Spencer Foundation. He is the author of the recent article, "Racial Formation, Inequality & the Political Economy of Web Traffic," in the journal Information, Communication & Society," and he is working on a forthcoming book "Digital Movement: Racial Justice Activism, from the AfroNet to Black Lives Matter."\r\n\r\nMcIlwain is the co-author of the award-winning book, Race Appeal: How Candidates Invoke Race in U.S. Political Campaigns (Temple University Press). In addition to authoring/coauthoring four additional books and close to thirty scholarly journal articles and chapter in edited volumes, and regularly providing expert commentary for local, state, national and international media, I continue to pursue research about racial appeals through collaborative work focused on analyses of individuals’ real-time perceptions of race-based appeals in political advertising, as well as a variety of cognitive/physiological responses to racialized communication.