David Campbell has devoted his career to research and practice in the nonprofit sector. His research interests address a range of critical nonprofit management issues, including accountability and performance measurement, organizational emergence and adaptation (specifically in response to disaster), and mergers and other forms of restructuring. The opportunity to teach at Koç University in Turkey led him to pursue new research on philanthropy and giving in that country. He is a member of the editorial board for the journal Nonprofit Management and Leadership. He has held senior management positions in major nonprofit organizations in New York City and Cleveland, most recently as vice president for Programs at the Community Service Society of New York. Campbell has received funding from the Learning by Giving Foundation and Campus Compact for the Philanthropy Incubator he founded. The program educates and encourages philanthropy among undergraduate and graduate students, including awarding funds to local nonprofit organizations, and has distributed more than $100,000 to local organizations over the past seven years. He is a proud member of the board of the Franziska Racker Centers, a leader in providing services and opportunities for individuals with disabilities, which envisions a world "where all people know they belong." He earned a Ph.D. in social welfare from Case Western Reserve University, a MAR from Yale University, and a B.A. from Bates College.