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We Just Beat Humanity’s All-Time Record For Highest Global Carbon Dioxide Concentration

Though it’s something we shouldn’t really be celebrating.


Digital Eye Strain Could Cause Long-Term Complications in Children

Youth need to be reminded to take short, frequent breaks from digital consumption.


Tesla Unveils Revolutionary Solar Battery For Homes

The company branches out from car manufacturing to energy innovation.


Italy’s Military-Run Weed Farms Will Run Down Costs on Treatment

The plants are expected to yield around 220 pounds of medication annually.


Baltimore’s Bloods, Crips, BGF Gangs Explain Their Truce Throughout Freddie Gray Protests

Those involved in the partnership say they’re not out to get cops.


Supreme Court Hearing on Same-Sex Marriage Case Suggests Split Opinions

All eyes remain on swing voter Justice Anthony Kennedy as well as Chief Justice Roberts.


How You Can Lend Your Support to Nepal

You don’t need money to help out.


Insulted Native American Actors Abandon Filming For Adam Sandler’s New Movie

The script included gags that traded on racist ideas about Native Americans.


What Animal Are You?—Google’s Doodle for Earth Day 2015

Dr. Jane Goodall may be a whooping crane, but what are you?


How Google’s New Search Preference for Mobile-Friendly Sites Will Affect Small Businesses

If a search result appears on page two and no one is around to click it, does it even exist?


Zipcar Study Reveals Urbanites And Millennials Share A Common Lifestyle

“Are millennials influencing cities or are cities influencing millennials? We’re not entirely certain,” the study concludes.


An App That Puts You in Control Over Your Online Reputation

Now what would your mother say if you were trending on twitter for the wrong reasons?


Mexican Corporation Finds Way to Purify Sea & Waste Water

Reconditioned water could be one solution to our water supply problems.


The Effects of West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak Are Still Far From Resolved

Three countries are requesting debt relief and additional funding to help with recovery efforts.


Could Falling Airline Travel Standards Be Saved by New Tech?

Airline innovations may make flying a little less painful.


Social Engagement and Active Lifestyles Can Slow Down Cognitive Decline

A new study indicated that seniors who engage in meaningful social activities circumvent brain atrophy.