Not only are robots being used for military offensives, but they are also being deployed to rescue wounded soldiers. These robot medics can evacuate downed servicemen from situations too dangerous for normal reconnaissance missions. Rescue bots, most of which are still in the development phase, ensure..
Robots are assisting soldiers both on the battlefield and off. Some 30,000 men and women have lost limbs over the course of the conflict in Iraq, and the latest in prosthetic technology is helping them readjust to normal life. These cutting edge prostheses are equipped with robotic joints and computer..
The capture of the U2 spy plane pilot Gary Powers was one of the tensest incidents of the Cold War. In modern warfare, high-flying surveillance planes are now totally unmanned, taking espionage literally to new heights. While these robotic drones are good news for the military, they have civil rights..
A plague of feral hogs has descended on the American South, leaving a trail of porcine devastation in their wake. To combat the invasion, some hunters are forsaking more traditional prey and training their sights on these destructive, ferocious, decidedly less cute cousins of Babe. Intrigued by a new..
Before there was NASCAR, there was box car. Soap box derbies, at the peak of their popularity in the 1950s, provided all-American kids with an opportunity to mix engineering ingenuity with the need for speed. Today, enthusiastic adults raised on Mario Kart are reviving this wholesome tradition on the..
How many times have you walked away from Monday Night Football musing, "If only this game were more violent..." Meet Australian Rules Football. Aussie ex-pats and their eager American converts are bringing this rowdy, athletically rigorous sport to a city near you. Full contact. No padding. Heavy..
Anyone who remembers childhood as a time of innocence and joy was never on the wrong side of a dodgeball. If you ever packed a few extra pounds in grade school, chances are the specters of those stinging rubber balls haunt you to this day. But for the past three summers, young Brooklynites have been..