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AOC proposes to ban the 'insidious practice' of military recruitment in schools

"It's important that our youth understand that joining the military isn't the only way to pay for college or find stability in life."


A Native American health center requested equipment to help COVID-19 patients. Instead, they got body bags.

"Are we going to keep getting body bags or are we going to get what we actually need?"

A majority of U.S., including most Republicans, support monthly $2,000 payments during coronavirus

A plurality of all respondents cited a wealth tax as their preferred way to pay for the program.

Katie Porter just pushed Trump's CDC director to commit to making coronavirus testing free

"We live in a world where 40% of Americans can't even afford a $400 unexpected expense. We live in a world where 33% of Americans put off medical treatment last year, and we have $1,133 expense just for testing for the coronavirus."

Warren destroyed Bloomberg in the debates and reminded the nation why she was a frontrunner

"I'm not talking about Donald Trump. I'm talking about Mayor Bloomberg."