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Your Daily Water Use

Thirsty? So is everyone else. We're headed for a water shortage. Here's how a few simple choices can reduce your daily water use...

Microlending a Helping Hand

Popularized in the 1970s, the practice of microcredit-giving out small loans to borrowers to encourage entrepeneurship-has offered much-needed...

The Cell Phone Revolution

In the developed world, we're tethered to our mobile devices. In the developing world, the phones are essentially primary computing devices, as...

What Is it Good For?

Sharing is part of coexisting-and that means fairly distributing land and resources, but also respecting rights and freedoms. Armed conflicts...

Transparency: What Is a Trade Deficit?

As governments around the world continue to react to the economic downturn, some people are warning against trade protectionism (i.e., imposing taxes and tariffs to make importing goods into a country more difficult). Indeed, the first draft of the  stimulus bill had a "Buy American" provision that would..\r\n

Transparency: How Much Water Do You Use?

As we become more and more aware that we may be using water at an unsustainable pace, the idea of water footprints-the amount of water an...

Transparency: Where Does Your Water Come From?

The state of California recently declared an emergency due to drought, and the water supplies in many American cities are at dangerously low levels. This is partially because our largest metropolises have far out-stripped their fresh water sources, forcing them to import water from lakes, reservoirs,..

Where Does the Internet Come From?

Last year, important internet cables connecting Europe to Asia were mysteriously severed, resulting in days of outages for millions of internet users. It was a stark reminder that, no matter how instantaneously our information seems to travel, it is, in fact, moving through cables on the bottom of the..

Perfect, Inc.

Jealous of your friend who gets massages at work? Yeah, we are too. Turns out that was just the beginning. As the business world races to merge the lost luxuries of the dotcom boom with the responsibilities of the sustainability era, we construct the ideal workplace.View Perfect, Inc..


GOOD Business: Comet Skateboards

Moving to a new town can be pretty hard. But if, like Comet Skateboards, one of the founding principles of your company is community engagement, making new friends is easy. Less than a year after relocating from Oakland, California to Ithaca, New York, Comet has settled right into this vibrant community,..


GOOD Business: IceStone

If you're looking to trick out your home with the greenest products on the market, you could do a lot worse than IceStone....


GOOD Business: Greyston Bakery

How good can one brownie be? Greyston Bakery's brownies are delicious, sure, but they also help to alleviate poverty within...