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The United States is the number one per capita consumer of corn in the world. Don't recall stuffing your face with thousands of ears of corn...


Internet Censorship

Sex. Ass. Falun gong. Chances are, if you're reading this right now, you don't live in Yemen, Myanmar, or China. Internet censorship can take many forms, from restricting private internet access to blocking searches for politically volatile keywords. Exercise your internet freedom by taking a look..


GOOD Business: Comet Skateboards

Moving to a new town can be pretty hard. But if, like Comet Skateboards, one of the founding principles of your company is community engagement, making new friends is easy. Less than a year after relocating from Oakland, California to Ithaca, New York, Comet has settled right into this vibrant community,..


GOOD Business: IceStone

If you're looking to trick out your home with the greenest products on the market, you could do a lot worse than IceStone....


Circle Rules Football

If you've never heard of Circle Rules Football, you're not alone. This whimsical game, played on a circular field with a yoga ball, was...


GOOD Business: Greyston Bakery

How good can one brownie be? Greyston Bakery's brownies are delicious, sure, but they also help to alleviate poverty within...


Aussie Rules Football

How many times have you walked away from Monday Night Football musing, "If only this game were more violent..." Meet Australian Rules Football. Aussie ex-pats and their eager American converts are bringing this rowdy, athletically rigorous sport to a city near you. Full contact. No padding. Heavy..