Design Infographic: The Next Generation of Scientists Our latest infographic shows how STEM fields stack up in overall growth, and how they break down between men and women.HyperaktApr 20, 2012
Infographic: Teaching in Higher Education What type of educational background do college professors have and what's the most popular subjects they teach?HyperaktApr 01, 2012
Infographic: How High School Students Perceive College With a tough economy and rising tuition costs, how necessary does college seem for high school grads?HyperaktFeb 26, 2012
Infographic: Do College Freshmen Feel Academically Prepared for Classes? High school graduates from the class of 2010 weigh in on how high school prepared them for their first year of college-level classes.HyperaktJan 14, 2012
Infographic: Pulling Back the Meritocracy Veil A closer look at student demographics shows a more complex picture of student achievement between public and private schools.HyperaktNov 12, 2011
Interactive Infographic: Trends in Higher Education Find out which degree fields have gained in popularity and which have declined over the course of ten years.HyperaktOct 01, 2011
Design Infographic: Solving the STEM Dilemma Find out how recruiting and maintaining a steady supply of classroom STEM teachers insures the competitiveness and strength of America's workforce.HyperaktAug 03, 2011
Infographic: The Opportunity Gap Combine the achievement gap with demographic inequalities and black and Hispanic students don't have an equal chance at life's opportunities.HyperaktLiz DwyerJun 11, 2011
Infographic: Educating the Workforce of the Future In the next decade, most jobs will require at least some post-high school education. Are we setting students up for career success?HyperaktLiz DwyerMay 12, 2011
Design Interactive Transparency: America's Energy, Where It's From and How It's Used U.S. Energy Use and Sources With the full picture, the problems (wasted energy) and the potential solutions (more renewable energy) become more clear.HyperaktJan 08, 2011
Interactive Infographic: What Issues Do American Voters Care About What Americans care about during election cycles is constantly changing. Here's an interactive look at the political climate, from 2001 to 2010.HyperaktOct 31, 2010
Transparency: How You Will Get Hurt at Burning Man This year's Burning Man is right around the corner, and it's time to start thinking about getting ready. Spending a few nights in the desert...HyperaktAug 20, 2010
Transparency: Does Commuting By Car Make You Fat? It's a simple equation: Exercise more and lose weight. Still, many people spend most of their time either behind a desk or driving to or from...HyperaktAug 13, 2010
Transparency: The Largest IPOs in History Initial public offerings—when companies first make their stocks available for sale to the public—can generate incredible wealth. Last month, in...HyperaktAug 06, 2010
Transparency: What Plastic Surgery Are We Getting? Modern medical science has afforded us the ability to change nearly anything we don't like about our appearances. Americans are taking advantage...HyperaktJul 29, 2010