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Most Of The U.K.’s Power Now Comes From Alternative Energy

For the first time, a majority of the U.K.’s energy needs were met by low-carbon sources.


Most Of The Cars Sold In Norway Are Now Electric Or Hybrid

For years, electric cars have gone from outlier to mainstream. Now, they’ve broken a new record.


How A Better Police Force Can Help Lower Crime Rates

Police reform that combines improvements in communications, technology, and resident relations is dramatically decreasing crime.


Here’s Why LED Lights Might Be The Next Bright Idea On Climate Change

More artificial light, more energy used. But LEDs are changing the equation right when savings are needed most.


Bacteria Might Hold The Answers In The Global Battle Against Oil Spills

The Gulf of Mexico is bouncing back from the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Scientists say it’s all thanks to one busy bacteria.


Pakistan’s Simple Climate Fix Has The Whole World Watching

How great a difference can forests make to helping the world’s climate? Pakistan’s billion new trees are here to find out.


Go Inside The Texas Factory Fighting Blind Unemployment

Blind Americans have faced daunting job prospects for generations. One factory shows how all that could change.


This Texting Service Can Save Lives

Crisis Text Line has taken help and intervention way beyond the telephone. And they’ve got the data to prove it.


Bacteria-Basted Supertrees Are Sucking Pollution From Our Waste Sites

Scientists scored a special strain of bacteria that breaks down hazardous waste. Now the race is on to find the gene that made it happen