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GOOD Business: Comet Skateboards

Moving to a new town can be pretty hard. But if, like Comet Skateboards, one of the founding principles of your company is community engagement, making new friends is easy. Less than a year after relocating from Oakland, California to Ithaca, New York, Comet has settled right into this vibrant community,..


Circle Rules Football

If you've never heard of Circle Rules Football, you're not alone. This whimsical game, played on a circular field with a yoga ball, was...



Anyone who remembers childhood as a time of innocence and joy was never on the wrong side of a dodgeball. If you ever packed a few extra pounds in grade school, chances are the specters of those stinging rubber balls haunt you to this day. But for the past three summers, young Brooklynites have been..


Rooftop Bees

With space at such a premium in Manhattan, New Yorkers are accustomed to thinking vertically when it comes to housing. Now bees are getting in on the action. David Graves, an urban beekeeper, tends his hives far above the bustle of New York on rooftops throughout the city. His buzzworthy honey gets rave..



One-and-a-half million Americans have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not one of them came home unchanged.


Mad Scientist

Natalie Jeremijenko is engineering a new approach to environmentalism. PLUS: A GOOD Video Feature