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Chris Christie's Wagging Finger Proves Alignment of Teachers' and Womens' Rights

The facts are clear: 85 percent of K-12 teachers are women and 80 percent of our government officials are men.


Newsflash to Congress: You Shut Down the Government, But You Haven't Been Working Anyway

This country's vision is seriously flawed for effective government when the least of us have a better work ethic than our representatives.


Want to Make Education Better? Send Policymakers Back to School

The disconnect between policy and practice is so palpable, one has to wonder if these policies are made for children or in spite of them.


C'mon Mayor Bloomberg, Let's Stop and Frisk Some Test Scores

Just as NYC police found in most stop-and-frisk cases, when you analyze standardized test scores, there's nothing there.


When Teachers Run Into Education Reformers That Don't Really 'Stand For Children'

Sometimes teachers run into education reformers who say they stand for children, but whose policies are actually hurting kids and destroying schools.


10 Things Every Adult Should Do After The Trayvon Martin Tragedy

Here are some things anyone can do to help our students do better both academically and socio-emotionally


The Fate of Women is Tied to Teachers, Are We Hearing Their Voices?

It's not that men can't contribute their voices to the education conversation, but perhaps women should be the ones we're listening to.


Why We Need Schools To Uplift Their Communities Now More Than Ever

At this point, it's not enough to just say "no" to reforms. We also need to have alternative solutions for our children.


If America's Serious About Appreciating Teachers, Here's What it Takes

The current tenor of our national conversation about education is a reminder of the dire straits the teaching profession is in.


Born To Do This Sh*t: Bringing Passion Into the Classroom

They heard I love teaching, and they can see it in my eyes.


An Open Letter From The Trenches: To Education Activists, Friends, and Haters

Education activists have to recognize that anger is a primary means to an end, not the end itself.


Attention Schools: You Are Now Entering Standardized Testing Mode

Teachers become cobweb sweepers, still learning to balance between "What do you MEAN you don’t remember this?" and "Ohyougotitgoodletsmoveon."


What Will John Legend's Education Reform Legacy Be?

His legend in education will show a man who supports kids bubbling in scan-ready sheets rather than notes for the keys to their own lives.


'Teacher Leadership' Has Become a Buzzword, But What Does That Mean?

If school systems don't do a better job of defining teacher leadership, then we should recognize that no one will want to take on teacher leadership.


The Only Education Reform That Matters: Love

A real school for children puts forth love in action, even when the system disallows those emotions.