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Harambe Isn’t The Perfect Meme—It’s A Racist One

The internet joke capitalizes on a history of using gorillas as avatars for black people


To Support Women, I’m Boycotting “Birth Of A Nation”

The rush to protect beleaguered Nate Parker is appalling


Dreaming of Walter Scott

…And Eric Harris, and Freddie Gray, whose videotaped deaths are feeding the nightmares of black Americans.


Loving America is Complicated

Even President Obama can’t seem to show his patriotism the “right” way


Strange Reactions to Strange Fruit

While the investigation into Otis Byrd’s hanging death is ongoing, the court of public opinion is already rushing to judgment.


Fear and the Gun Lobby

If urban minorities and immigrants clamored for guns in the same way rural, white males do, would gun control be more popular?


Men: Get Your Shit Together.

We need to change the definition of masculinity so that it has nothing to do with harming anyone, least of all women.


The Problem with Black History Month

There’s a few good reasons to suspect the month hinders, rather than helps, understanding and celebrating black contributions to civilization.


When the “Nice” Part of Town Gets Downright Mean

The beauty of a neighborhood can be in the skin color of the beholder


When Does Domestic Terrorism Go Unnoticed? When the Victims are Black.

#NAACPBombing And #WhiteSilence converge to make a frustrating mess


The Absurdist Theatre of the NYPD

When NYPD officers turned their backs on de Blasio, they also turned their backs on us.


Black Pete Survives Another Holiday Season

You’re damn right the traditional Dutch Christmas character is racist


Hands Up, Don’t Speak

Professional athletes take up the Black Lives Matter movement as the hip-hop community stays relatively silent


Why I Fear the Police More Than Terrorists

With no indictment for Mike Brown’s shooter, America continues to wait for proof that #BlackLivesMatter