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Canned pumpkin probably isn’t what you think it is.

So, why not just call it like it is?

How To Pick GOOD Almonds

Go nuts in the bulk bins armed with these pro tips

Here’s What $2 Million Milk Tastes Like

It’s made without milking a single cow

Disney Will Roux The Day They Tried To Make Gumbo

This week in culinary appropriation just gets worse and worse

Keep Calm And Wash Your Hands

We see the signs, we know the drill—so why are none of us washing our hands?

The Sugar Conspiracy Is Real

Sugar industry insiders have shaped nutritional research for decades

Meet The 8 Unsung Heroes Of School Food

Sharpen your pencils: This is how America’s next generation is moving towards healthier, more informed eating

Why 20-Somethings Love Funky, Fermented Food

It’s fermentation over instant gratification

Why Is Prison Food So Terrible, Anyway?

Orange Is The New Black gets it right, and it’s not pretty

Meet The Michelin-Starred Chef Who Only Charges $1.50 Per Meal

The significance of cheap Cantonese street food earning a Michelin star goes beyond just the price tag