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Teach For India Tackles Mumbai's Slums

How the Teach for America model is being put to use in India. Skinny arms stretched high-59 eager hands rose...


Students in California Take to the Freeways

Last night in Oakland, over 150 people protesting education budget cuts were arrested. Sebastian Beretvas, a 12-year-old who...


How Can Protest Be Grassroots and Also Organized?

March 4th's National Day of Action is hitting more than a few roadblocks. California was once considered one of the...


America's Gas Problem

Have rising gas prices actually made a difference in driving habits? Apparently, they have. Sort of. People are driving less, but more gas is being sold. One explanation for this seeming contradiction is that people lie when asked if they are driving less. Cute.In other gas news, some more thoughts on..


Gas Loss

Not only does gas cost $500 a gallon (this is an exaggeration, nowhere in America has gas even reached the $100 a gallon mark), but according to this diagram, our cars only use about 15% of the gas to actually move the car and run essential systems like the A/C. The rest just gets pissed away. The auto..


Who Killed The Electric Car?

Now that An Inconvenient Truth is out, we need a new movie to flog. And we've found it. Who Killed The Electric Car? Who, indeed? We're going to take a wild guess and say the people who make non-electric cars. Sorry for the spoilers. It launches June 28..


Gas Attack

Even though gas prices continue to rise, it seems as though American drivers are really not that interested in doing anything to alter their fuel spending habits. According to this story from the Detroit Free Press, who, we would imagine, know their cars, the momentary fixation on smaller, more fuel..


Blast From The Past

There is more and more talk of the U.S. returning to a coal-based energy economy, with very little seeming to actually be done about it. Scientific American takes a look at what it would take to make coal our primary energy resource (again). Partly, it would take the seemingly magical Fischer-Tropsch..


In The Black Gold

You'll be hearing a lot about how much money gas companies are making in the next few days. To put things in perspective a little more, only 2% of ExxonMobil's record profits go to research and development, a department that might, you know, come up with an alternative to selling a dwindling supply..


Charging Ahead

A new lithium battery-powered automobile promises up to 300 miles on a single charge. The cars, produced by Hybrid Technologies, will sell for around $35,000. Too much? Toyota has just started advertising the Yaris, which delivers 40 mpg as tested and sells for around $12,000..


Gas Maps

As gas prices continue to rise, it starts to become a better and better idea to find the cheapest gas stations. This map lists average gas price by county and zip code, so you can discover if it's possible to drive a little farther to get cheaper gas. You can also discover that you are stupid enough..


Hybrid Frenzy

Hybrids used to be the domain of starry-eyed idealists and kooky environmentalists. But, as gas prices rise and as car manufacturers throw their weight behind producing hybrids, the clean cars are becoming more popular, so much so that 57% of Americans will consider buying one next time they buy a car...