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A Teenager Fights Back Against Teacher Evaluation Gone Wrong

Teen Nikhil Goyal refused to participate in New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's teacher evaluation scheme.


Students Need More Than Michelle Rhee's Education Reforms

High school student and author Nikhil Goyal wants teachers to be paid well, given autonomy, and treated like professionals. Is that too much to ask?


Best of 2012: The Five Most Extraordinary Things to Happen in Education

The theme of 2012? Let's go make some chaos in education.


Want to Get America Back on Track? Realize the True Purpose of Schools

As a society, we aren't realizing the true purpose of school—becoming lifelong learners and active, engaged citizens in democracy.


Kicker: New Media Startup Fights Back Against the Dumbing Down of America

A new platform called "Kicker" helps young people engage with current events.


The Rise of Democratic Schools and 'Solutionaries': Why Adults Need to Get Out of the Way

Grown-ups need to give youth a seat at the education reform table.


Students For Education Reform? Not the Change We Need

Don't think for a second that SFER represents the voice of students.


Whatever Happens on Election Day, We Have to Be the Ones Driving Educational Change

Sure, the next President will drive the education agenda, but we're the ones who will create real change.


Why Millennials Aren’t Rushing to the Polls (and Why They Should)

The 2012 election might have the lowest youth voter turnout since 1972.


Can This New Nonprofit Make Apprenticeships Cool Again?

Today only .3 percent of the American workforce are apprentices. E[nstitute] wants to change that.


Where Does Mitt Romney Really Stand on Standardized Testing?

Romney doesn't know of a better way to evaluate students than high stakes tests.


Mis-Education Nation: Why Were Student Voices Silenced at NBC's Town Hall?

The lack of students at NBC News' Education Nation is evidence of a larger problem of diverse, progressive education experts being silenced.


Schools Don't Need Reform, They Need Revolution

Teen author Nikhil Goyal says now's the time to radically reinvent education.


Can Schools Teach Entrepreneurship?

17-year-old author and innovator Nikhil Goyal says it's possible if schools change their 'do as you're told' mentality.