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This American Lie: Mike Daisey and the Danger of Truthiness

We need more people to care about human rights, but we can’t take shortcuts.


'Going Viral': Political Candidates' Quest to Create the Next YouTube Sensation

It's nearly impossible to predict which political ads will go viral, or if they'll have any real effect once they do.


'Our Valley Forge Moment': Engineers Seek to Keep Occupy Protesters Warm

A ragtag group of revolutionary biologists, engineers, and architects from MIT, Harvard, and beyond are fighting to keep the movement alive and warm.


Is Occupy Wall Street the Tumblr Revolution?

Tumblr has emerged as the defining protest tool of Occupy Wall Street, uniting disaffected Americans through handwritten signs.


Why I Dumped My iPhone—And Why I'm Not Going Back

I was glued to my phone, until I realized it was making my life easier, not better.


The Story Behind Those Obama Campaign Email Subject Lines

Why do fundraising deadlines matter? The answer is less than inspiring.