Simon F. Haeder is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science in the John D. Rockefeller IV School of Policy & Politics at West Virginia University. His teaching and research interests include the public policymaking process, regulatory politics, lobbying and interest group politics, and healthcare policy. \r\n\r\nHis most recent work has focused on such issues as the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, provider directories, and regulatory policymaking at the Office of Management and Budget. This work been published in the American Political Science Review, Health Affairs, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. \r\n \r\nIn addition, he is currently working on several projects in health policy focusing on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the role of expertise in the policymaking process, as well as several projects investigating regulatory politics at the president’s Office of Management and Budget and the Department of the Interior. \r\n\r\nHe was recently awarded the inaugural Health Wonk scholarship by Find his essay on the potential of health insurance marketplaces here.\r\n