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Kinkajou Projector Brings Literacy to Mali

Teaching adults to read is a difficult enough task in and of itself, but in rural Mali, teachers also face classrooms without electricity and books weathered by the punishing desert climate. Enter the Kinkajou Projector, a fusion of high and low technology that makes teaching night literacy classes as..


Hippo Rollers

In rural Africa, women spend 26% of their time fetching water, often walking for miles with heavy buckets balanced on their heads. That's time...


Hog Hunting

A plague of feral hogs has descended on the American South, leaving a trail of porcine devastation in their wake. To combat the invasion, some hunters are forsaking more traditional prey and training their sights on these destructive, ferocious, decidedly less cute cousins of Babe. Intrigued by a new..


Circle Rules Football

If you've never heard of Circle Rules Football, you're not alone. This whimsical game, played on a circular field with a yoga ball, was...



Chances are you go to the gym because it makes you feel good. But nothing kills that post-workout buzz like contemplating the environmental impact of traditional gyms-the air conditioning, the cardio machines, the thousands of tiny towels that are washed daily. Manuel de Arriba Ares has an alternative:..


Sanctions & Segways: The End to North Korea's Nuclear Saga?

October, 2006: The U.N. sanctioned a long list of delectable goods that could no longer pass over North Korea's borders. This was no typical...


The Two Births of Kim Jong Il: Myth vs Fact

Kim Jong Il is a mysterious dictator. He's alleged to have uttered only one sentence in public, and keeps his hermit kingdom under a veil of...