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A Man’s Last Minutes With His Best Friend

He stayed with his dog Oden until the end.


The End of the World Is Real

We are suckers for The End. It fascinates us.


Burning Man: More Relevant Than Ever

It requires reorientation from the Polaris of wealth, competition, and individualism. That can be unsettling, like a hint of negative G.


Roving Curiosity: Why NASA's Jaw Dropping Mars Mission Is Worth Every Penny

NASA's role—"to reveal the unknown for the benefit of all humanity"—could never be fulfilled by the profit-oriented, risk-averse private sector.


How Reddit Became the Internet's Vigilante Voltron

From Karen Klein to SOPA, the social news site Reddit can now muster tremendous financial, promotional, and political influence.


Intermission: The Most Beautiful Valentine Ever Made

A letter from a soldier in the Union Army, about to go into battle, sent home to his wife.


Has Burning Man Fallen On Its Sword?

The Burning Man Festival stumbles under its ever-growing weight.


This Is What Happens When You Unplug the TV During the Super Bowl

You've got some very disappointed super fans on your hands.


Intermission: A Dog's View of Dogs Playing

The weekend is here. Don't forget to play.


Intermission: Chimps, Humans, and the Trait of Kindness

There are many similarities between us and our closest animal relatives, but this one may surprise you.